Saturday, July 03, 2010

Becoming nothing. You will, one day.

People fear death because the idea of becoming nothing is scary.
(this is just one of the many many reasons, of course)

NOTHING. It isn't as simple as the word nothing. Or no thing. Its really nothing, like... not an atom, not a blank white space, not vacuum. Just.. nothing. Nothing isn't like nothingness or the absence of anything, but disappearing. Totally. You can't imagine it because once you imagine, there's already something. Impossible to imagine.

Maybe what alot of people fear is this feeling of turning into nothing. Like, your life is just like... life and it doesn't mean anything much after you die because you'll just disappear from the surface of earth.

I feel nothing about being nothing. (the first nothing meaning I'm "fine" about being nothing, but "fine" isn't really the word)

Okay, so I'll disappear after I'm done with life, so what. My friend says its because I don't exactly have big things I want to do in life, or anything I want to accomplish before I die. I've been thinking about it, and maybe its true. I don't feel as though I'll lose anything even if I die without doing a whole list of things. There just isn't a strong feeling in me which WANTS and NEEDS to do something.

& don't worry, thinking about death isn't being suicidal. Don't worry.

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